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First contact

In the first conversation, the relatives or the interested person explain the reason for their consultation and the convenience or not of carrying out the neuropsychological assessment is determined.


If it is recommended, the assessment appointment is set on a day when the person is rested (we will need a time of approximately 2 hours for the assessment).

Passing of specific tests

The person will complete a series of tests that will allow us to know the cognitive, emotional and behavioral situation.

Review of previous reports

The previous days you must share the available reports at: (don't forget to remove personal data or encrypt the report before sharing it by email). If you prefer, you can provide the previous reports available in the consultation, on the day of the appointment.

test scoring

In the following days, the neuropsychologist will correct the test results by comparing them with their normative group to draw the conclusions and make the neuropsychological report.

clinical interview


An interview will be conducted with the person and/or their relatives to collect relevant information on the current situation. This may be the day of the appointment or the days before by call or video call, depending on the preferences or needs of the case.

Return of results

In approximately one week the person and/or relatives will make a new appointment with the neuropsychologist to learn about the results, conclusions and recommendations.

Steps of the neuropsychological evaluation process:

Know more:

David Mata neuropsicologiagdb
El proceso de evaluación

Implementation of the solution to the problem

After the evaluation, the professional will have made an improvement plan for the initial problem that may or may not include neuropsychological treatment.


Neuropsychological evaluation

The final price of the neuropsychological assessment with all the steps of the process included is:


More information

If you need specific information for your case, have any questions or want to make an appointment for an assessment. Ask us without commitment

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